
Every and any field in business has specialized terms, expressions, and phrases: just like all other industries, aviation also has its own special set of vocabulary and phrases. What is important to understand about this industry is that without learning these special English terms, working in this field can be quite difficult, dangerous, and even impossible.

Conversations and information that are being exchanged between aviation personnel are usually in English. Therefore, learning English for the Aviation Industry can prevent future risks by minimizing communication problems.

Clear and concise communication is critical to understanding and implementing critical instructions, such as clearances, approaches, and emergency protocols. For this reason, Vaajeh Academy has created a special language course for those working in this field.

About the English language for the aviation industry

The English language for the aviation industry is a comprehensive and complete course that provides everything people working in this industry need in a comprehensive and complete manner and in a short period of time. The source of the English language training course for the aviation industry is two books.

About The English for Aviation | English for Cabin Crew

The English for Aviation book is from Oxford book series. This book has 8 chapters, each of which challenges all different English skills. However, the most emphasis of the book and this training course is on strengthening listening and speaking skills related to this industry.

These chapters start with the basic topics before the flight and then deal with the flight and the issues around it, and in the eighth chapter, it deals with the necessary conversations when landing and getting off the plane. Also, the first chapter of English for Aviation includes a general introduction to aviation communication, which prepares the participants for the next topics.

The specialized English language book English for Cabin Crew is another educational resource of this course, which covers conversations specific to flight attendants and is in ten chapters. This book is also published by Oxford and is part of the English courses (ESP).

In each of the chapters of the aforementioned books, common issues that need to be communicated are examined and special sentences, terms, and phrases used to convey concepts are mentioned.

The training course based on these two books will provide you with everything you need as a pilot, flight attendant, or air traffic controller.

The features of this course are as followed:

  • The best educational resource for pilots who have not yet participated in specialized courses in aviation English.
  • A practical resource for people who are at ICAO level 3.
  • Preparing to participate in level 4 exams
  • Practical training of all flight problems in a classified form
  • Required conversations for stewards
  • Dividing in-flight conversations into different sections, from before check-in to landing


You don’t need to have high English skills to take our Business English courses like English for the Energy Industry. If your current language level is at a beginner level (pre-intermediate), you can participate in the mentioned courses. Even if your English skills are intermediate or even advanced, you will still learn and benefit a lot from this course.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that all applicants for the English language course for the Energy Industry will be assigned a level by Vaajeh Academy and only if the test results confirm their English skills at the pre-intermediate level, will they be allowed to participate.

Explaining The Goals And Objectives Of Taking This Course:

The benefits of this course are as followed:

  • Getting to know the specialized vocabulary of the aviation industry
  • Getting to know terms, sentences, and abbreviations used in this industry
  • Strengthening listening and understanding of the contents that are expressed in a concise form.
  • Strengthen speech and ability to communicate
  • Minimizing errors in air communication
  • The possibility of being admitted to the level 4 exam

How Are These Lessons Being Held?

It is possible to choose the English Language course for the Energy Industry in a private, semi-private and group form. Business organizations in the field of energy can use these courses exclusively to train their employees, personnel, and managers and improve the level of their company. The number of sessions established for a training course can be different based on the interests of the students; however, usually 8 sessions are considered for intensive courses and 16 sessions for regular courses. The duration of each session is 90 minutes, which can also be changed based on the teaching method. English educational topics for the energy industry The book used in this course has 6 chapters, which explains all the topics related to the energy industry and its related materials, and teaches all the required materials with exercises, questions, and tests. Each chapter includes grammar, vocabulary, listening skills, reading skills and various topics.

The book used in this course has 8 chapters that describe all topics related to the aviation industry and its related materials and teach all the required materials with exercises, questions, and tests.

Each chapter includes grammar, vocabulary, listening skills, reading skills, and various topics. The contents taught in this course include the following:

  • Setting the scene
  • Basics of radio communication
  • An introduction to unusual situations
  • Pre-flight checks
  • Problems and delays
  • Local conditions
  • Airport and air transportation marketing
  • Tax and maintenance
  • Weather problems
  • take off
  • Facing traffic
  • Warning of hazards
  • Operational positions
  • Unusual events
  • Medical condition
  • Fall
  • Connect to the circuit
  • Descent and landing problems
  • Landing incidents
  • Escape conditions
  • Landing hazards
  • tax
  • Enter the gate
  • Clear communication

Who is/is not suitable for this course?

Who is suitable for this course?

This training course is suitable for the following people:

  • Aviation students
  • the pilots
  • flight deck
  • Hosts
  • Air traffic controllers
  • Aeronauts who are at ICAO level 3
  • Airmen preparing to take level 4 exams
  • Other people working in the field of aviation who wish to improve their English in this field

In general, this training course is recommended for all people who need to learn specialized aviation English for various reasons.

What will you gain after completing this training course?

After completing the aviation English course, you can expect to achieve the following:

  • Increasing communication skills in foreign flights
  • Increasing communication skills in domestic flights
  • Admission to level 4 exam
  • Better job opportunities
  • The possibility of working in the field of international aviation
  • Promotion of employment
  • More confidence
  • Company promotion
  • More revenue generation

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course suitable for?

Those who are active in the field of business, especially in the international field, need to learn the fundamentals of the English language that is appropriate and relevant to their field.

Which field are the learners who take this course active in?

Learners of specialized English courses are on completely different paths to the learners of GE courses, who are mostly looking for immigration. Learners who take special business and management courses are often employees or managers of well-known companies with international connections.

How is the course held?

The most popular method is 8 sessions (intensive) and 16 sessions (regular) per term. The duration of each session is typically 90 minutes, but this may vary depending on the number of sessions per term.

How long does the course last?

The duration of this course is 90 minutes, which varies according to the number of sessions

I did not find the course I was looking for. Are there other options for me?

If you wish, you can use the free advice of our experts to make the best choice.

Are there more training courses offered at the academy?

Yes. You can see the other training course titles of Vaajeh Language Academy from the other training courses section, and if needed, use the free advice of our experts.

How much does the course cost?

The cost of courses varies depending on the duration and training level of the courses. To know the total cost of the courses, please contact support.

Why should I trust Vaajeh Language Academy?

Vaajeh Language Academy ​​holds online classes all over the country with the most updated, trusted, and well-equipped platforms and we work with only the best teachers, who all have many years of experience and hold a multitude of certificates. Moreover, we are well-known in the community as we have signed contracts with public and private companies and organizations: therefore, we have built a formidable reputation. In addition, we hold regular mid-term and end-of-semester exams, which can help employers observe and monitor the progress of their employees and be able to properly profile their company’s staff.

Why should I choose Vaajeh Language Academy over other language institutions?

Vaajeh Language Academy was established in 1993 and has been under the management of Mr. Dr. Hamed Gholamalian ever since. The Academy ​​has been operating with the official License of Education as one of the most specialized centers for holding business language classes with expert teachers, who hold higher university education and international degrees.  Furthermore, we also hold classes in English, Turkish, French, and German and we hold super-specialized IELTS test preparation classes with the options of regular and intensive classes.

Moreover, Vaajeh Language Academy serves a number of the largest companies in the fields of oil, petrochemical, telecommunications and companies such as Issaco and Henkel. We have more than proven the academic and professional level of our teachers and the successes of our teaching methods to you, the respected audience.

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