English Language Course Required for Negotiating
(English for Negotiating)
All of us are trying to achieve and make some sort of progress both personally and with other people every single day, but usually progress is not going to be made unless certain conditions and requirements are met: this is generally true for almost all situations. For example, when it comes to negotiations, the more methods and techniques you know, the more progress you can make. What is negotiation? Negotiation is a method by which you can solve your differences with others easily and at the lowest cost for typically all parties involved. As a result, you will be able to arrive at a point where all parties will not have to bear the stress of never-ending argument and discord.
Sometimes it is also vital for one to be a little more ambitious and strive for bigger goals to achieve a lot more in terms of long-term results. To illustrate, if you want your business to expand, you must have the ability to communicate and maintain your level of professionalism without coming across as selfish or other negative traits that can be seen in the field. Therefore, it is only logical for the person in question to have a good grasp of the English language and be able to express his or her thoughts and views without causing any misunderstandings. This is especially important when one is trying to get something from another party via negotiating. This is commonly seen in the tourism industry and even normal social gatherings.
However, is knowing English the only thing one needs to learn to be able to have a successful negotiation? This is only half true, since it is key for one to have two features in him-or herself to be able to succeed when negotiating and perhaps get the better and more beneficial end of the deal. Firstly, one must know the principles and techniques when negotiating: secondly, one must naturally be able to conduct a proper negotiation and meeting for all parties involved and do so in English.
About The English Language Course Required for Negotiating
About The English Language Training Course for Negotiations
The English language training course on the principles and techniques of negotiations teaches learners how to have successful negotiations by helping them improve their performance in the professional environment by presenting them with possible scenarios.
It is obvious that sufficient experience and knowledge during negotiation will increase the chances of influencing the parties involved: these principles and techniques are an integral part of professional and personal communication of people in today’s modern world and the needs of those who are looking to achieve a favorable deal.
For applicants to be able to participate in these courses, they will need to have met a few requirements. The minimum language level required to participate in this course is Pre-Intermediate and it should be noted that a short test will be held to determine the learner’s English level and see if he or she is qualified to take the course.
Explaining The Goals And Objectives Of Taking This Course:
Some of the goals of this course that the participants will master at the end of the course include the following:
- Setting goals to achieve a successful negotiation.
- Initiating, guiding, concluding the negotiation.
- Setting up the meeting and proceeding with the meeting and negotiation in a principled manner.
- Preventing unfavorable and unfair deals.
- Being able to make offers and make counter offers.
- Learning all types of negotiation techniques to be able to clarify and resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.
- Managing conflicts and differences in meetings.
- Finalizing and closing agreements and deals made.
How Are These Lessons Being Held?
This training course uses the book “English for Negotiating”, which is part of the Oxford book series and will provide learners with the necessary skills and self-confidence to carry out negotiations in a correct and principled way. Each lesson of this book contains a new scenario and will help learners gain some training and experience. Thus, they will be able to get an idea of how negotiations are carried out in the real world.
The book used in this course has seven chapters, which explains all the principles and techniques of negotiation and related materials to teach the students all the required materials with exercises, questions, and tests. Topics that are included in this course include the following:
- Setting goals and standards for a successful negotiation.
- Prioritizing objectives and meetings to be able to get know the other party well.
- Holding and attending meetings, adapting to sudden changes to the agenda, achieving the best result.
- Suggesting offers and responding to them and making counteroffers.
- Understanding types of negotiations to clarify situations and resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.
- Managing conflicts and differences in opinions, thoughts, and views.
- Finalizing agreements and being able to close deals.
Who is/is not suitable for this course?
Who is suitable for this course?
Anyone and everyone who is or wants to work in the business field, especially in the international market, need to know the basic principles and techniques of negotiating. Regardless of your current job position or the size of your company, it is always better to know such skills than not know them. If you are looking for some sort of career advancement, you must know how to negotiate in an appropriate manner and be able to move forward with your plans.
The short course of English for Negotiating will be useful for anyone who wants to expand their international relations and social standings, especially since there is currently an uprise in employers looking for potential employees who are able to communicate in English.
What will you gain after completing this training course?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Those who are active in the field of business, especially in the international field, need to learn the fundamentals of the English language that is appropriate and relevant to their field.
Learners of specialized English courses are on completely different paths to the learners of GE courses, who are mostly looking for immigration. Learners who take special business and management courses are often employees or managers of well-known companies with international connections.
The most popular method is 8 sessions (intensive) and 16 sessions (regular) per term. The duration of each session is typically 90 minutes, but this may vary depending on the number of sessions per term.
The duration of this course is 90 minutes, which varies according to the number of sessions
If you wish, you can use the free advice of our experts to make the best choice.
Yes. You can see the other training course titles of Vaajeh Language Academy from the other training courses section, and if needed, use the free advice of our experts.
The cost of courses varies depending on the duration and training level of the courses. To know the total cost of the courses, please contact support.
Vaajeh Language Academy holds online classes all over the country with the most updated, trusted, and well-equipped platforms and we work with only the best teachers, who all have many years of experience and hold a multitude of certificates. Moreover, we are well-known in the community as we have signed contracts with public and private companies and organizations: therefore, we have built a formidable reputation. In addition, we hold regular mid-term and end-of-semester exams, which can help employers observe and monitor the progress of their employees and be able to properly profile their company’s staff.
Vaajeh Language Academy was established in 1993 and has been under the management of Mr. Dr. Hamed Gholamalian ever since. The Academy has been operating with the official License of Education as one of the most specialized centers for holding business language classes with expert teachers, who hold higher university education and international degrees. Furthermore, we also hold classes in English, Turkish, French, and German and we hold super-specialized IELTS test preparation classes with the options of regular and intensive classes.
Moreover, Vaajeh Language Academy serves a number of the largest companies in the fields of oil, petrochemical, telecommunications and companies such as Issaco and Henkel. We have more than proven the academic and professional level of our teachers and the successes of our teaching methods to you, the respected audience.